Parish of St Mary’s
One parish serving God and neighbor in three worship sites in Lee, Otis and Stockbridge MA.
Our parish family is made vibrant by the many men, women, and youth who volunteer their time and talents.
Ways you can participate more fully in Our Parish:
Adult Choir
Our adult choir enriches the celebration of the liturgy by adding musical elements beyond the capabilities of the congregation alone. Music Director Sandy Cummings at St. Mary’s in Lee says new choir members are always welcome.
“I would truly appreciate any new people who would love to add their God-given voices to our choir in order to contribute to our worship by assisting the congregation to join our praising of God,” Cummings says. “Anyone who can speak has a blending voice.”
Cummings asks parishioners to use their God-given talents to enrich prayer through music as their voices strengthen the emotional connection between Heaven and Earth.
“When you sing, you pray twice. Consider praying through music the heart of worship,” says Cummings.
According to Cummings, the use of music in liturgy extends far back to the earliest times in Christian tradition and heightens participation in Christian worship right down to the twenty-first century.
“After fifty years of serving God's people in Music Ministry, I find there is always a song in my heart and praise and worship on my lips. He filled my soul with song,” she says.
Contact Person: St. Mary, Mother of the Church (this group meets one hour prior to each Mass) - Sandy Cummings 413-329-4625 or 413-243-0258; St. Joseph - Michael Garrity; St. Mary of the Lakes (this group rehearses at 4:30pm before each 5:30pm Mass) - Susan Aery
Altar Guild
This is a volunteer group at the parish whose ministry is to care for the Altar area and vessels of the parish. They provide general cleaning, straighten up books, fill candles, wash albs, and assist with seasonally updating the Altar.
Contact Person: St. Mary, Mother of the Church (this group meets between 12-1:30pm on Thursdays) - Donna Abbott 413-822-9363; St. Joseph - Richard Lacey 413-298-3090; St. Mary of the Lakes - Carol Lombardo 413-822-4554
Altar Servers
Altar servers minister at God’s Altar with reverence, dignity and love. They assist the priest at Saturday and Sunday Masses, funeral and wedding Masses, Stations of the Cross, and other liturgical events. Girls and boys who have received their first Holy Communion are eligible to serve. Adults may also participate as Altar servers. Training is provided.
Contact Person: St. Mary, Mother of the Church - Elizabeth Sparks emsparks12@; St. Joseph - Richard Lacey 413-298-3090; St. Mary of the Lakes - Carol Lombardo 413-822-4554
Arimathean Ministry
The word “Arimathean” comes from Joseph of Arimathea in the Bible, who gave up his own tomb for Jesus. By simply being there, you can be Christ to others in their time of difficulty as you practice one of the corporal works of mercy: burying the dead. Arimatheans help those parishioners who are in the grieving process by volunteering to attend funeral Masses–serving as altar servers or simply being present. We are looking to expand the ministry to further provide support for grieving families.
Contact Person: John Muglia 413-214–5527
Baptismal Team
Baptism is a grace-filled moment of new life in Christ. Preparation for the baptism of infants is a “teachable moment” when the parish community can encourage parents to examine the meaning of faith in their lives. Join us in reaching out to families as they prepare, celebrate and live this great sacrament. Michelle Brooks teaches our Baptism Preparation Classes.
Contact Person: Michelle Brooks
Coffee Hour
In Lee, the Knights of Columbus volunteer to provide hospitality after weekend Masses once a month April through September. In Stockbridge, volunteers take turns setting up and serving in this ministry of hospitality.
Contact Person: St. Mary, Mother of the Church - Charles Houff 413-717-1846; St. Joseph - Sean and Colleen Cahill 203-751-2719
Contemporary Music Group
This group is hoping to begin providing music again at Mass once a month and is in need of singers and guitar players to get started.
Contact Person: Ron Santos 413-854-4944; Shaun Hall 413-645-4510
Counters of Weekly Offering
This group processes the collections from all three churches and prepares them for bank deposit.
Contact Person: Cathie Sparks 413-281-8085
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers assist in the action of sharing in the Eucharistic meal of Christ’s sacrifice at Masses and/or minister to the sick and homebound. Training is required and provided by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield and new ministers are installed by the Bishop.
Contact Person: St. Mary, Mother of the Church - Elizabeth Sparks emsparks12@; St. Joseph - Richard Lacey 413-298-3090; St. Mary of the Lakes - Carol Lombardo 413-822-4554
Faith Formation (Religious Education)
Our Faith Formation team takes the lead on religious education and sacramental preparation, helping parish members of all ages continue to grow in faith, hope, and love. This team runs the Family Faith Formation and sacramental preparation programs (including the First Reconciliation/First Communion and Confirmation classes). We are always looking for volunteer teachers, hall monitors, and speakers.
Contact Person: Timothy Ryan 413-243-0275
Family Liturgy
Children and their families participate as greeters, readers, Altar servers, and gift bearers during the 11:00 am Mass at St. Mary’s Church in Lee. This is a wonderful opportunity to extend Faith Formation involvement into the celebration of the Mass.
Contact Person: Timothy Ryan 413-243-0275
Finance Council
This group meets every other month with the purpose of stewarding the parish financial resources. They review and discuss both the income, weekly offerings and donations, and the expenses, buildings, grounds, and salaries. This stewardship is essential to maintaining our financial stability as we minister to our parish family. Membership is by the appointment of Fr. Brian.
Contact Person: Fr. Brian McGrath 413-243-0275
Gardeners & Groundskeepers
These volunteers maintain the gardens, take the lead on fall and spring cleanup, weed whack the cemeteries, and take care of other outdoor miscellaneous projects.
Contact Person: St. Mary, Mother of the Church - Emily & Erik Harel; St. Joseph - Sean & Colleen Cahill 203-906-0399; Cemeteries - Tom Consolati 413-243-1339
High School Youth Group – Matthew 5
Our parish is part of the Southern Berkshire Youth Group for eighth through twelfth graders. It meets on most Friday nights from 8-10 pm during the school year over at St. Ann, Lenox. We typically have an annual trip to the Steubenville Conference and occasionally go on other field trips. We provide a space for faith sharing and fun. We are always in need of adults who can volunteer to help lead the group, provide snacks, or even just chaperone.
Contact Person: Marya Makuk 413-440-9381
Middle School Service Club - Emmaus
Our parish is part of the middle school Youth Group for fifth through seventh graders. They meet on most Fridays during the school year from 5:30-7 pm at St. Ann, Lenox. This group has a great time learning about God as we gather for pizza, reflection and games. We are in need of adults who can volunteer to help as chaperones, service project leaders, or simply provide snacks.
Contact Person: Marya Makuk 413-440-9381
Knights of Columbus Berkshire Hills Council 314
The Knights of Columbus is an organization of Catholic men who believe there is much good and necessary work to be done in this world, and that's what Knights do every day. We share a desire to be better husbands, fathers, sons, neighbors and role models, putting charity and community first, and helping themselves, their families and their parishes grow closer to Christ. If you would like to help with this important ministry, please contact Charles Houff and he will assist you with the membership process.
Contact Person: Charles Houff 413-717-1846
Lay men, women and young people who have the ability to proclaim God’s word are needed. Lectors assist at all Masses by making announcements and reading the first and second reading, responsorial psalm, and prayers of the faithful. Lectors bring the power of the Word of God and love of scripture to others. Current lectors also assist in training new lectors. Join us and get comfortable with your public speaking voice. Training is required and provided by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield and new lectors are installed by the Bishop.
Contact Person: St. Mary, Mother of the Church - Elizabeth Sparks emsparks12@; St. Joseph - Richard Lacey 413-298-3090; St. Mary of the Lakes - Carol Lombardo 413-822-4554
Ministry to the Homebound
Ministry to our homebound is a wonderful way to keep all of our parishioners connected to our parish family. Our volunteers visit, pray with and bring Communion on a regular basis to folks at home and in nursing homes, keeping all our people together as the Body of Christ. If you would like to help with this important ministry, please contact Fr. Matt and he will assist you with training.
Contact Person: Fr. Matt Barone 413-243-0275
Ministry of Hospitality
These volunteers help to provide refreshments for parish events. Volunteers help to purchase or prepare food for events such as the parish picnic and faith formation gatherings.
Contact Person: Denise Scheurer 413-441-3163
Office Volunteers
This group assists in the parish office by answering phones, greeting visitors, and assisting with basic office tasks and projects. We appreciate any amount of time you can offer on a regular or as needed basis–whether it's an hour or a day.
Contact Person: Leslee Durfee 413-243-0275
Our Lady’s Oratory
The Oratory is a place of Eucharistic Adoration where one can spend time in quiet prayer and conversation with the REAL PRESENCE of Jesus. Volunteers (known as adorers) choose a specific hour – or hours – of adoration that they commit to keeping weekly. Adorers typically look forward to their time with Jesus, and speak of the great peace and spiritual renewal that they experience there. The Oratory is governed by a committee that oversees the day-to-day operation of the Adoration Chapel and serves as a link to the adorers themselves. New adorers or volunteer committee members are always welcome!
Contact Person: Lisa Thorne 413-298-3261
Parish Council
This group meets monthly to counsel the pastor in addressing parish needs. Members take leadership roles within the various aspects of the parish as they help to steward the talents and time of the parish community. Membership is renewed every three years.
Contact Person: Fr. Brian McGrath 413-243-0275
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Crocheters and knitters are invited to join us on the first Saturday of each month at St. Mary’s School. Yarn, hooks, and needles are provided… or bring your own! All skill levels are welcome to join. Refreshments will be served. Come join us in prayer and knitting/crochet for those who are in need.
Contact Person: Lori Koperek 413-243-1435 or 413-212-7840
These faithful members of the church pass the basket to collect offerings from the congregation and assist the gathered assembly.
Contact Person: 4pm Mass - Linda Winters 413-243-9890; 5:30pm Mass - Robert Fedor 413-269-6807; 8am Mass - Ed Forfa 413-464-8143; 9:30am Mass - Richard Lacey 413-298-3090; 11am Mass - Shaun Hall 413-770-6031
R.C.I.A (Right of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Members and priests of the church community welcome any un-baptized person seeking to enter the Church or a baptized Catholic seeking to receive the sacraments of the Eucharist or Confirmation. Throughout the year, the parish offers support and sessions for such adults. We are always appreciative of those who can help teach, support, or provide hospitality throughout our program. If you want to help, we could use people to provide hospitality, become a prayer partner/sponsor/godparent or help teach at the sessions.
Contact Person: Marlene Morris 413-281-7570 or email
Respect Life Ministry
Our faith and the natural law compel us to conclude that abortion is the greatest violation of human rights in society today. We respond by praying a Rosary for Life every Saturday before the 4:00pm Mass at St. Mary, Mother of the Church and by educating members of our parish on pro-life issues through pro-life news in our Parish Bulletins and pro-life books & DVDs available in our Oratory. We are always looking for more people to join us in this ministry to promote a Culture of Life. God bless you and all your efforts to protect LIFE!
Contact Person: Sandra Flynn 413-243-2930 & Chris Dutil 413-298-4908
School Board
The St. Mary's School School Board serves as an advisory board for the school community. The board, made up of community members, alumni, and parents, meets monthly with the school administration, fundraising and PTO committees. The SMS School Board provides guidance and feedback with larger school community decisions and assists with supporting our school in whatever way they can.
Contact Person: Cara Maiorano-Culver 413-243-1079
St. Mary's School Fundraising Committee
This volunteer group meets throughout the school year to plan, organize, and run fundraisers. By raising nearly $100,000 each year, we help keep the cost of tuition reasonable for families. With the support of the school principal, pastor, and school board, we present the calendar and budget to the entire SMS community (families and teachers). Some of the annual events that the St. Mary's community (both school and parish) look forward to each year include (but are not limited to): mum sale, cash calendar, Holiday Bazaar, monthly bingo, St. Valentine's Father/Daughter Dance, Shrove Tuesday Dinner, Pot of Gold Lottery Ticket Raffle, Auction for Education, Golf Tournament, and a few appeals. In addition to parent volunteers, we always welcome volunteers from the parishes! If you are interested in working or patronizing any of the events, please contact the school office and leave your name and contact information.
Contact Person: Linda Winters 413-243-1079
** Please note that every parish volunteer must comply with the Safe Environment policy put forth by the Springfield Diocese. Along with this, most volunteers will need to have a CORI background check done and complete Safe Environment training. **
We will assist you with this whole process when you register as a volunteer.